Standard and Metric Buna Cord Stock

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Application and Temperatures Range 

Buna (or Nitrile) material is great for all but the most extreme applications. It works from -40-degrees F to 250-degrees F, and has good wear resistance. It works with oils

Not Recommended for

Does not work with brake fluid, ketones, and some hydraulic fluids. It is not resistant to weathering, sunlight, and ozone unless a special compound is used.

Available Sizes

Cord stock is O-Ring material, ready to be cut to create custom size O-Rings. There is a large selection of cross-sections available and can be cut to any length you need. If this is a static application, this is a great solution. If the O-Ring will be moving, spliced and vulcanized O-Rings are much sturdier.

Standard, or Imperial, sizes come in fractions of an inch. Metric sizes come in millimeters. Cord Stock is sold by the foot.

SKUCross SectionMaterial 
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